The reality of managers
 The story behind each manager.


The reality of managers

Does your organisation invest in managers?

If you've neglected to invest in the management position you may find this article useful. 

The article considers the importance of the manager experience, explaining:

"Gallup finds that the employee experience is shaped to a large extent by the manager experience. How can we expect employees to be engaged and satisfied when managers themselves report high levels of stress and disengagement?"

Many organisations focus on providing training for service delivery level staff and developing leaders and forget the important role managers play in leading teams.

Many people promoted to a management level position are promoted because of their excellent technical skills, and can quickly become overwhelmed when they are expected to manage people and use skills for which they have never received training, skills such as delegation, communication, strategic thinking...

Some organisations consider the manager role as belonging to an old era. When leaders like Elon Musk link managers to inefficiency it can be easy to make the manager role the scapegoat for all of the hills of the organisation.

This article closes by saying  "if done properly, the role of mid-level managers can be successful and have a positive impact on firms."

"To ensure managers are effective, it’s essential to make sure those who have been promoted from employee to management positions are offered training that includes supervisory skills, conflict management, and communication skills.“

How are you valuing the role of middle managers at your workplace? 

Are there clear report lines for accountability, a clear position description or is the position blurred and 'busy'?If you have a team of managers looking to step into leadership, you can access my ebook Managership here. 

Get in touch and we can talk about developing your managers.

If you would like to talk to me personally you can email me at or call me on 0403857054.