Making the most of a situation
Making the most of a situation

Making the most of a situation

Businesses are having to make some really tough decisions right now about where to place workers in quieter times. 

If this is happening in your organisation what can you do that will have a positive impact not only now but when life returns to whatever version of normal we experience post Covid 19.

I'm using this time to review my processes and systems (because that's what I do) and I encourage you to take this opportunity to do the same. 

Some questions to ask:

What can be automated?

This could be a great time to get some quotes and learn about an automated system that can help you drive efficiency now and when the world returns to normal.

Why do we do it that way?

Remember all the times people complained about a process? Get the team together (Zoom or Skype) and nut out a better way of moving forward.

Where are our gaps?

Could this be a great time to do the gap analysis and audits you have been putting off?

Are there projects that have continuously been pushed to the back burner due to a lack of time and resources?

What about those staff whose usual jobs aren't possible right now, how might they be used to get the project off the ground?

The world feels like it is grinding to a halt but we need to keep moving and make sure we are bigger and better coming out the other side.

Which of these questions could make an impact on your business?

If you would like to talk to me personally you can email me at or call me on 0403857054.